Check Policy / Slots > Completed for completed and most recent work.
(( Check out my friend's commissions here! :D ))

Crayon Doodle

Stylized crayon doodle with a simple background flourish.

$5 basic characters
$10 complex characters

full manip

A character in a setting of your choosing.
Default size 1920x1080
** Ask about complicated designs.

$50-$60+ / complexity$20+ wings or additional elements

Experimental Manip

An experimental manip features your character in an aesthetic background, and may be a portrait, bust, or full body depending on what feels good when I get the information!

$50+ / complexity

Posting tables

A manip image of your character with the crop and fade for a posting table. Basic code included, ask about complex code.
Default size 500px wide, height varies.

$20+ with basic code

Other comms

I am open to do other types of commissions, though prices will vary depending on the request; ask me for a quote!• CSS/HTML
websites, forums, posting tables, etc.
• Design elements
logos, stream/media images, text headers
• Manips without characters
aesthetic, moodboards, etc.
• Other (Ask)
Feel free to ask me about whatever you have in mind!

Policy and slots

Preferred contact: Discord (aesa#9182)
Alternate contact: email
I accept payment primarily through PayPal.
Ask about other payment services.
Prices are as listed though the complexity of your character and/or request may cost extra. All prices are in USDHalf of your quote is required before I start.You are free to do whatever you like with the image when you have fully paid, which includes any edits you want to make. Once you pay and receive the files, it's yours! :)

RaineBha'ti Manipcomplete
vivtable & doodle✓ 100%
bluebirdmanip & table✓ 100%
cicadamanip 1 & manip 2✓ 100%
cicadadoodle 1 & doodle 2✓ 100%
edenmanip 1 & manip 2✓ 100%
edenm2 tables (night/day)✓ 100%
splitmybb forum (votum)✓ 100%
splitvotum banner✓ 100%
luyeneeina table✓ 100%
cardedawn ad: text / w/o text✓ 100%
cardeyarrow manip bg size✓ 100%
splitdoodles (x4)✓ 100%
nahanieska manip✓ 100%
nahaniamrei manip✓ 100%
creatureazrielle manip✓ 100%
creaturecomplex table✓ 100%
darkacheron manip✓ 100%
avocadodoodles x3(+1)✓ 100%
AvocadoYhael Manip✓ 100%
akandoarchon tables (one, two)✓ 100%
AvocadoAlias Manip✓ 100%
AkandoHarper Manip✓ 100%
AvocadoRouge Manip✓ 100%
RaineFuli Manip✓ 100%